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classic campaigns that shaped marketing part 1
classic campaigns that shaped marketing part 1

Classic Campaigns That Shaped Marketing Part 1

These days we live in a world of commercials and advertisements scattered practically everywhere we go, it can be difficult to escape them. However, with so many around it can be difficult for one particular campaign to stand out against the rest, requiring something special to really ignite the success of a product or brand.

We are going to take a look at why some of the most classic advertising campaigns should be looked to for some inspiration, simply because these campaigns have stood the test of time and have been acknowledged as true pieces of genius.

If you were to think long and hard about some of the most memorable and classic advertising campaigns across time, there will always be something in common with all of them; they will all have a slogan that lodges into your brain never to be forgotten.

Take a look at our first part of a two part article of some classic campaigns that have helped to mould marketing to what it is today.

Volkswagen – “Think Small” (1960’s)

When we think of classic advertising campaigns that shaped marketing into what it has become today, this is the one that many thought it all began. The “Think Small” campaign by Volkswagen was a huge success in the 1960’s and was in fact voted as the best and most successful advertising campaign seen in the twentieth century.

The way this ad was put together even then, is part of the framework for many ads that you see today.

California Milk Processor – “Got Milk” (1993)

This now infamous advertising campaign for the California Milk Processor Board used comedy to bring huge awareness to the importance of milk in our diets and was responsible for a huge increase in sales.

In a poll carried out by a USA Today poll, the advert was voted amongst the top ten of all time in America. The success of this advertising campaign went on for some time with other adverts spawned along the same lines.

Nike – “Just Do It” (1988)

To many of us it would seem unbelievable that this year and in fact this month celebrates 25 years of the Nike “Just Do It” ad campaign. Was it really that long ago? That is probably what makes this advertisement what it is, simply because it was so fresh back then that it would not look out of place on our television screens today.

The campaign proved to be a monumental success that took Nike’s share in the domestic sports shoe industry up to 43% from 18%. The slogan is still used today alongside huge sporting stars such as LeBron James and Wayne Rooney.

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes – “They’re Grrrreat!”

We often wonder how much Kellogg’s knew about the success that the advertising campaign for Frosted Flakes would bring them. In fact the slogan is still used to promote and advertise the product now more than sixty years later, with “Tony the Tiger” still the main star of the show.

There is no question that the campaign was one of the biggest reasons for the success of not just this particular cereal but for Kellogg’s as a whole. This commercial was one of the earliest signs of what a good marketing campaign can do for your company.

Each of those campaigns is considered as one of the true greats and are now often used as the framework for which many campaigns are built upon today. Make sure you catch part 2 of this article in which we share some more of the classic campaigns that have brought marketing to where it is today.

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